Daria Benedict
1 min readMar 26, 2020




swirling paths of conscience stripped away

furious strands like flames leaping high off the sun — the burning center that unveils night’s all-too-short and drowsy vividness of freedom —

reminding us of moments not to be recreated.

tucking away moments to be re-lived only when the center is hidden beneath the horizon once again.

daily sensibilities are forgotten in the growing whirlwind that is dusk.

twilight’s magic embrace clouds the eyes and opens the heart to navigate newly revealed swirling paths;

paths guided by bioluminescent lights.

living, breathing grids connecting infinity

leading us to and from just where we happen to be fleetingly grounded.

a shady utopia built on fearful flights of fancy rooted deeply in nature’s most

inexplicable mysteries opens up her doors to the mind;

our own map to her lands;

all one in the same with only

single moments in between.

we see through her eyes — which are really our own —

and the event becomes personal by means of these miraculously familiar never-before-visited

places restricted by daylight.

— daria dechange



Daria Benedict

Writer. Lover. Pianist. Activist. Singer. Rapper. Philosopher. Digital Strategist. Marketer. Passionate producer of ideas that change the world. @dariaofchange